PHP 8.4 is shaping up to be another exciting release in the world of PHP, bringing a range of new features, performance improvements, and enhancements aimed at making development smoother and more efficient. As developers continue to push the boundaries of what’s possible with PHP, this release focuses on both syntax improvements and deeper integration with modern programming paradigms. In this article, we will explore the most notable new features and enhancements in PHP 8.4.

1. Union Types 2.0

Building upon the introduction of union types in PHP 8.0, PHP 8.4 expands this feature further. Developers can now define union types with nullable types, allowing for more expressive type declarations. This enhancement improves type safety and can help catch potential bugs earlier in the development process.


<p>function processInput(int|string|null $input): void {<br>// Function implementation<br>}</p>

2. Readonly Properties

PHP 8.4 introduces read only properties, which can only be written once—either during declaration or within the constructor. This feature is particularly useful for implementing immutable objects, enhancing code integrity and predictability.


class User {
    public readonly string $name;
    public function __construct(string $name) {
        $this->name = $name;

3. Performance Improvements

One of the key focuses of PHP 8.4 is performance. The PHP team has continuously worked on optimizing the engine to make applications faster. Benchmark tests show that PHP 8.4 exhibits notable improvements in execution speed, especially in scenarios involving heavy computation and complex data structures.

Key Areas of Improvement:

  • JIT Optimization: Just-In-Time (JIT) compilation improvements for even better performance in long-running scripts.
  • Memory Usage: Reduced memory consumption for certain operations, leading to better performance and lower resource utilization.

4. Fibers Improvements

PHP 8.4 enhances the Fibers API introduced in PHP 8.1, making asynchronous programming more powerful and user-friendly. The improvements include better error handling and additional methods to manage fiber states, making it easier for developers to implement concurrent tasks without complicating their code.


$fiber = new Fiber(function () {
return "Hello, World!";

$result = $fiber->start();
echo $result; // Outputs: Hello, World!

5. Enhanced Type System

PHP 8.4 introduces several improvements to the type system, making it more flexible and robust. This includes:

  • Intersection Types: Developers can define types that must satisfy multiple constraints, offering a more precise way to enforce type requirements.


function process(Countable&JsonSerializable $data): void {
// Implementation here

Static Return Type: PHP 8.4 allows specifying a static return type, which can help with better code clarity and maintainability.

6. Improved Match Expression

Match expressions, introduced in PHP 8.0, receive enhancements in PHP 8.4. Now, match expressions can include additional features like type checking and the ability to throw exceptions directly, making them even more powerful for control flow.


$result = match($input) {
1 => 'One',
2 => 'Two',
default => throw new InvalidArgumentException('Invalid value'),

7. New Functions and Extensions

PHP 8.4 comes with several new functions and enhancements to existing extensions, including:

  • str_contains(): A new function that checks if a string contains another substring, improving readability and performance.


if (str_contains($haystack, $needle)) {
// Do something

Improvements to the PDO and MySQLi extensions: Enhanced functionality for better database interactions and performance.

8. Deprecations and Removals

As with every major release, PHP 8.4 deprecates certain features that are outdated or not in line with modern programming practices. This includes:

  • Removal of create_function(): A legacy feature that has been superseded by anonymous functions and closures.
  • Deprecated Extensions: Some older extensions are being phased out to streamline the core of PHP.


PHP 8.4 brings exciting advancements that cater to both new and experienced developers. With enhancements in type safety, performance improvements, and more expressive syntax, this version promises to make PHP development more enjoyable and efficient. As always, it’s essential for developers to stay updated with the latest PHP features to leverage the full potential of this versatile language.

As we continue to explore the capabilities of PHP, it’s clear that the language remains committed to evolving and adapting to the needs of the development community. Whether you’re building web applications, APIs, or complex systems, PHP 8.4 provides the tools necessary to create robust and scalable solutions. Happy coding!